So kids, today we study statistics, you know mean median mode kinda stuff. You might ask what’s so great about it, well I don’t really know but its supposed to tell you how things are supposed to be on an *average*.
Lets start with the simplest, the mean, the all encompassing all knowing omnipotent mean. It’s a swell thing really you know, tells you about the values that would occur 'normally'. So like take random numbers between 0 to 10 and you’d get a mean of around 5 and that tells you that normal value for anyone in the set is around 5. But you see here is the problem, the big friggin problem. What about 0 and what about 10? How are those wierdos supposed to cope up with it, being called outliers and all.
And then if u had 1-√(3) and 1+√(3), their average is 1. Boring rational positive integer 1. So like you are telling two poor irrational numbers to go fuck themselves? Wouldn’t they feel abnormal and inadequate, needing a point and infinite numbers after it to be written when *normally* they should have been just the solitary digit. Jeezus that’s depressing enough to make them wanna commit suicide or kill the person who defined mean. Or they could kill 1 for being the prime instrument of the sheer agony inflicted on those poor benevolent numbers.
So you see that’s the big stupid problem with normal. It tells you what you are supposed to be like, but very few are actually like it. It degrades your identity to merely a deviation, a difference. Come to think of it, the whole idea is so mundane and boring and mindless isn’t it? So next time somebody tells you that you aren’t normal tell them to go actually thank them, for abnormal is how you want it to be, and that’s how its meant to be.
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on Monday, June 1, 2009
at Monday, June 01, 2009
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June 3, 2009 at 1:18 AM
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About us
Once accustomed to each others daily company in a hexagonal room, looking not much unlike the 25 other odd male inhabitants in a conformity-intended ensemble, we occupied the same high school space. In running the risk of cliched nostalgic reminiscence; those were certainly days of bro-bonding like none other.
We find ourselves today, at three vastly different cities and institutions of higher learning. What still sustains our friendship though; beyond and despite the lack of geographical proximity, is what I shall simplistically attempt to explain with the aid of a statistical math tool (refer:common ground).
With these pleasantries out of the way; let me further convolute this introduction.
There are nerds, and there are jocks. There are the deeply pious, and the self-righteous atheists. The lost poets in apathetic tees and the narcissistic yuppies in classy 3-piece GQs. The thums up lovers and the connoisseurs of fine wine.
Or as I would like to think of us; both and neither.
There is an oxymoron in there somewhere
For at some point in our lives; we've each played a video game for 9 hours straight, spent a session from midnight to dawn of uninterrupted street football, quoted Nietzshe and then laughed on last nights How I Met ..
you get the idea.
We find ourselves today, at three vastly different cities and institutions of higher learning. What still sustains our friendship though; beyond and despite the lack of geographical proximity, is what I shall simplistically attempt to explain with the aid of a statistical math tool (refer:common ground).
With these pleasantries out of the way; let me further convolute this introduction.
There are nerds, and there are jocks. There are the deeply pious, and the self-righteous atheists. The lost poets in apathetic tees and the narcissistic yuppies in classy 3-piece GQs. The thums up lovers and the connoisseurs of fine wine.
Or as I would like to think of us; both and neither.
There is an oxymoron in there somewhere
For at some point in our lives; we've each played a video game for 9 hours straight, spent a session from midnight to dawn of uninterrupted street football, quoted Nietzshe and then laughed on last nights How I Met ..
you get the idea.