I'm. High. Realize. It's. Contracting. Slow. Passing. Glow. Isayimhigh. Thosemoronslaughatme. Pain? Where? I'm. Here.
Parul? Hate. Being. loser. Iwanttobeloved. Likeababy. Iminaplacenta. Veinsbloodgoo. Feel.Safe. Cry. Crrycrycry.
As. hu. Songsplaying. Stupidsongsidontconnectwith. Anger. Karnasksme. Theydonthavemysongs. Move. Piss. Pissed. Mycellhasmysongs. Ashubitchlookscontent. Not happy. Angerpissed pissedangerangpisssangpisseangpissangrepisangpisspangpssiange gpissangrepisagpissangrepisagpissangrepisagpissangrepisa.

" O Pardesi O Pardesi, Meetha Sa Chadha Hai Bukhar, He Re Main Thara Pardesi "
Dance. Free. Dance. Dance. Free. Peace. Idontexist. Peace. Dance.Free. Limbsmovingatwill. Peace. Head Open. Spilldonthefloor. Legsmovingatwill. Peace. Dance. Imagine. Everythingisinmeonmehereme. Bodymovingatwill. Peace. Dance.
So, after a strong recommendation from everybody and their granny, I finally get down to watching DevD. I find the movie weird. Very Weird. Also a little deliberately unpolished at places. Also boring. So, I am at this scene where Abhay Deol enters a ghettoish-hip club and starts drinking his brains off. And this another character gets ready for a performance starts dancing and...
"O Pardesi O Pardesi, meetha Sa Chadha Hai Bukhar, he Re Main Thara Pardesi"
I turn the lights out. Limbs moving at will. Dance. Free. Dance. Dance. Screensplitting. Abhay Deolgetswater. Cameraweird. Shutscreen. Dancedancefree.
Mom. Food. Foodstayingattonguetip. Notgoingdown. Wantmore. Gottajumpoff. No. Focus. Gottawritethisdown. Can get high at will.
I'm. High. Realize. It's. Contracting. Slow. Passing. Glow. Isayimhigh. Thosemoronslaughatme. Pain? Where? I'm. Here.
Parul? Hate. Being. loser. Iwanttobeloved. Likeababy. Iminaplacenta. Veinsbloodgoo. Feel.Safe. Cry. Crrycrycry.
As. hu. Songsplaying. Stupidsongsidontconnectwith. Anger. Karnasksme. Theydonthavemysongs. Move. Piss. Pissed. Mycellhasmysongs. Ashubitchlookscontent. Not happy. Angerpissed pissedangerangpisssangpisseangpissangrepisangpisspangpssiange gpissangrepisagpissangrepisagpissangrepisagpissangrepisa.
" O Pardesi O Pardesi, Meetha Sa Chadha Hai Bukhar, He Re Main Thara Pardesi "
Dance. Free. Dance. Dance. Free. Peace. Idontexist. Peace. Dance.Free. Limbsmovingatwill. Peace. Head Open. Spilldonthefloor. Legsmovingatwill. Peace. Dance. Imagine. Everythingisinmeonmehereme. Bodymovingatwill. Peace. Dance.
So, after a strong recommendation from everybody and their granny, I finally get down to watching DevD. I find the movie weird. Very Weird. Also a little deliberately unpolished at places. Also boring. So, I am at this scene where Abhay Deol enters a ghettoish-hip club and starts drinking his brains off. And this another character gets ready for a performance starts dancing and...
"O Pardesi O Pardesi, meetha Sa Chadha Hai Bukhar, he Re Main Thara Pardesi"
I turn the lights out. Limbs moving at will. Dance. Free. Dance. Dance. Screensplitting. Abhay Deolgetswater. Cameraweird. Shutscreen. Dancedancefree.
Mom. Food. Foodstayingattonguetip. Notgoingdown. Wantmore. Gottajumpoff. No. Focus. Gottawritethisdown. Can get high at will.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, August 19, 2009
at Wednesday, August 19, 2009
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