My home is sick.
Please come and fix.
The phone cries,
The tele sobs,
And the bell curses.
Brooms fight,
The CDs prattle,
The cosmetics are vain,
And the mirror lies.
The gates veer wildly,
Scaring all the goodness,
that comes from outside.
My dog moans,
And my turtle gives a helpless shrug.
A wise soul he is.
The plants wailed,
Rooted when they were out,
Now twigs and spoils,
Sum up their memories.
The garden now forgotten,
Deserts the swing that now creaks,
Creak - an unliving sound,
because dead things don't speak.
The only peace in the eating chaos,
is found in my bottles,
That I nurture and love.
I caress their necks,
when I open them to quaff their contents,
And bathe them with my own hands,
for they bear cool liquids,
that I consume and relish.
Annoyed with a pout,
And confused with a squint,
I ask the Angel that keeps my home,
"Why, O Why? Why O scholarly and all knowing spirit,
do most things give me grief and fluster,
And only some give wanton joy,
When they all ought to keep a young boy safe,
and help him get through the whimsical adolescent years?"
The muddled genie reacts -
"Thou shalt reap what thou hast sown"
"And what thou hast doth to others, so shalt be doth upon thou"
I walk myself out of the conversation,
disheartened and addled.
Angry at hearing bad and meaningless sentences,
I rue Shakespeare's curst birth unto this planet.
Now I am doing it, I groan.
Then suddenly,
Out of the thinnest of thoughts,
I touch my growing belly,
And feel its softness and warmth.
The soothing, greasy expanse,
Gives me courage and clarity.
I wonder why my belly looks so nice?
Because I love it!
And I treat it with buttermilk and sausage galore!
I would never understand the adult world,
its cajoling and violent selfishness.
But I now know,
That there is a little boy in everything I see.
I then kiss the phone,
Smile at the tele,
And pet the tired bell.
I pat my dog,
Smell his funny nose.
I chat with the turtle,
and listen to his wise utterings.
I thank everything I have,
and everything that has me.
Love can be gifted,
only to be returned in a shinier ribbon,
But only when It is.
I open my mouth,
feel the gaps in my teeth,
and loudly welcome the tepid sunlight in my tongue .
I'm cheerful as a free worker bee,
I'm chirpy as a fuzzy cricket,
All the season tunes sing love for me,
And so, so happy is my song,
But come now everybody,
come on,
everybody now take a few hits,
Take a Few hits from the bong.
This entry was posted
on Wednesday, November 18, 2009
at Wednesday, November 18, 2009
and is filed under
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Man! Thanks for understanding! Seriously!
To be felt and understood by a fellow grass mate is one of the distilled pleasures of life.
November 19, 2009 at 2:27 PM
I love this poem a lot more in the second (or the third?) reading! Some lines are just fantastic. I only think you can erase the final stanza. The second last stanza is a much better ending in my book. By the way, your selection of words was great too.
January 27, 2010 at 6:04 PM
Thanks man. Appreciate it.
The poem was partly a build up to the last stanza. But yeah, a cleaner version would have the last para removed.
January 31, 2010 at 4:15 PM
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About us
Once accustomed to each others daily company in a hexagonal room, looking not much unlike the 25 other odd male inhabitants in a conformity-intended ensemble, we occupied the same high school space. In running the risk of cliched nostalgic reminiscence; those were certainly days of bro-bonding like none other.
We find ourselves today, at three vastly different cities and institutions of higher learning. What still sustains our friendship though; beyond and despite the lack of geographical proximity, is what I shall simplistically attempt to explain with the aid of a statistical math tool (refer:common ground).
With these pleasantries out of the way; let me further convolute this introduction.
There are nerds, and there are jocks. There are the deeply pious, and the self-righteous atheists. The lost poets in apathetic tees and the narcissistic yuppies in classy 3-piece GQs. The thums up lovers and the connoisseurs of fine wine.
Or as I would like to think of us; both and neither.
There is an oxymoron in there somewhere
For at some point in our lives; we've each played a video game for 9 hours straight, spent a session from midnight to dawn of uninterrupted street football, quoted Nietzshe and then laughed on last nights How I Met ..
you get the idea.
We find ourselves today, at three vastly different cities and institutions of higher learning. What still sustains our friendship though; beyond and despite the lack of geographical proximity, is what I shall simplistically attempt to explain with the aid of a statistical math tool (refer:common ground).
With these pleasantries out of the way; let me further convolute this introduction.
There are nerds, and there are jocks. There are the deeply pious, and the self-righteous atheists. The lost poets in apathetic tees and the narcissistic yuppies in classy 3-piece GQs. The thums up lovers and the connoisseurs of fine wine.
Or as I would like to think of us; both and neither.
There is an oxymoron in there somewhere
For at some point in our lives; we've each played a video game for 9 hours straight, spent a session from midnight to dawn of uninterrupted street football, quoted Nietzshe and then laughed on last nights How I Met ..
you get the idea.